Dark Carnival Coffee Beans

$55.00 AUD

Our signature blend, Dark Carnival, is where our coffee roasting journey began. From humble beginnings in the garage, testing and tweaking the roast to get that perfect full body blend, with flavours of nuts & sweet tobacco, and a berry-like finish.

Our most popular coffee bean, Dark Carnival offers a medium+ roast and is our most versatile blend. Comfortably drunk as an espresso or milk based coffee.

Awarded a Bronze Medal for 'Milk Based Coffee' in the Golden Bean Coffee Roasting Competition 2018.

I / O / S = 22 / 35 / 30

Blended, roasted & packed in Australia from imported, ethically sourced coffee beans

Recommended Recipe for Espresso

I = In (amount in grams of ground coffee in group head)

O = Out (weight of espresso shot when extracted)

S = Seconds (recommended extraction time)