How to Make the Perfect Coffee at Home

November 03, 2021

As we all know, you can’t beat a quality coffee from your barista up the road, especially when they stock Three Pence. But, if you’re not looking to empty your pocket every day then look no further than the following tips and tricks on how to make the PERFECT coffee at home with your favourite Three Pence blend. All you need are a few little tools to help you along the way!

We know it can be a hard transition, but we have you covered with all things coffee so check out our store here. Knowing where your coffee comes from is always important and there’s no better place to start than with crowd favourite; Three Pence Coffee Beans

Start by boiling water in your kettle, then you will need to grind your Three Pence coffee. The Hario Coffee Mill (Skerton Plus) is perfect for this as it breaks down the coffee and grinds it into a fine and consistent dust. Next up, you need your AeroPress Coffee Maker handy with the filter placed in. Grab a scoop of your ground coffee serving and tip it into the AeroPress. Place your AeroPress on top of your Three Pence Keep Cup and pour the water into the coffee maker. Stir the water around slowly to help the coffee dissolve. Now, you want to get the plunger and push down the hole and let the air tight seal remain while pushing down to let all the liquid come through into the cup.

Once you’ve pushed the liquid through, you should have a nice serving of smoking hot Three Pence coffee, lucky you! Add your milk of choice, add your sugar if you take one and you’ve got an awesome, hassle-free coffee with no travelling required.

Think you nailed it? Show us! Tag @threepenceroasters when you take that ‘gram shot.