NEW Single Origin Blend at Three Pence
We’re excited to announce a NEW single origin blend now available for your tasting pleasure. Wait, what does single origin mean you ask? Well, let us break it down for you.
‘Single origin’ are two words with big meaning in the world of coffee. It means the coffee is sourced from one single producer, crop or region in one country. It confirms the coffee’s traceability, so people know exactly where their coffee has come from down to the very paddock it was grown on. We know that every stage of a tiny bean’s life span affects its overall taste and characteristics, so we like to know we’re supply you with only the best of the best.
What’s this new origin then? Read on my friend.
The new flavour of the month is Kenya AB Barichu Karindu – a tasty mouthful – which is sourced from the Kenyan AB region at the Karindundu factory located within Barichu farm in Nyeri. The processing technique practiced here includes washing the coffee with fresh water from Kirigu stream and then it is sun dried on raised beds for 7-14 days. The Barichu Farmer’s cooperative society operates a coffee shop, located on the premises which caters to travellers on the highway. The society not only contributes to the farmer’s income, but to the education of children in the region by renting out the extra space to a local primary school and college.
With this blend, coffee drinkers will enjoy sweet aromas and fragrances of toffee and black currant, complimented with plum, baking spice and chocolate flavours. Expect bright acidity, a full and syrupy body with a long and sweet aftertaste.
As always, we invite you to come past the roaster for a taste! Order up, this single origin will only be available while stock lasts.